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zmhk 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介reference_reference是什么意思       大家好,今天我想和大家谈谈我对“reference”的一些看法。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。1.Excel index函数



1.Excel index函数的 Reference使用方法

2.有没有人知道什么是payment reference



5.什么叫 reference number


Excel index函数的 Reference使用方法

       INDEX(reference,Row_num,column_num,area_num) 返回引用中指定单元格区域的引用。



       Reference 对一个或多个单元格区域的引用。


       如果引用中的每个区域只包含一行或一列,则相应的参数 Row_num 或 column_num 分别为可选项。例如,对于单行的引用,可以使用函数


       Row_num 引用中某行的行序号,函数从该行返回一个引用。

       COLUMN_num 引用中某列的列序号,函数从该列返回一个引用。

       Area_num 选择引用中的一个区域,并返回该区域中 Row_num 和 column_num 的交叉区域。选中或键入的第一个区域序号为

       1,第二个为 2,以此类推。如果省略 area_num,函数 INDEX 使用区域 1。

例如,如果引用描述的单元格为 (A1:B4,D1:E4,G1:H4),则 area_num 1 为区域 A1:B4,area_num 2 为区域

       D1:E4,而 area_num 3 为区域 G1:H4


       在通过 reference 和 area_num 选择了特定的区域后,Row_num 和 column_num 将进一步选择指定的单元格:Row_num

       1 为区域的首行,column_num 1 为首列,以此类推。函数 INDEX 返回的引用即为 Row_num 和 column_num 的交叉区域。

       如果将 Row_num 或 column_num 设置为 0,函数 INDEX 分别返回对整个列或行的引用。

       Row_num、column_num 和 area_num 必须指向 reference 中的单元格;否则,函数 INDEX 返回错误值

       #REF!。如果省略 Row_num 和 column_num,函数 INDEX 返回由 area_num 所指定的区域。

       函数 INDEX 的结果为一个引用,且在其他公式中也被解释为引用。根据公式的需要,函数 INDEX 的返回值可以作为引用或是数值。例如,公式

       CELL("width",INDEX(A1:B2,1,2)) 等价于公式 CELL("width",B1)。CELL 函数将函数 INDEX

       的返回值作为单元格引用。而在另一方面,公式 2*INDEX(A1:B2,1,2) 将函数 INDEX 的返回值解释为 B1 单元格中的数字。 ?

       示例 ?返回第二个区域 A8:C11 中第二行和第二列交叉处的单元格 B9 的引用。(3.55)

有没有人知道什么是payment reference



       1.审稿人:绝大数杂志要求作者在投稿时提供2~4名同行专家作为审稿人 (reviewer or referee)

       2.审查人:(Editorial Board Member)、审查人(Reviewer or Referee) 担任各专科医学会理事、监事、理事长等职务

       reference 翻译:提交仲裁,提交裁判

       referee ?翻译:仲裁人,调解员

       例句:Who is going to referee (the football match)?



       payment reference是付款参考;交易代码

       1、Please quote the student's University Number and Name in the bank payment reference.


       2、Please enter Attendee Name and Phone No. or Payment Reference No. and click “ Search ”.


       payment reference 双语例句

       1. The major terms to be agreed include: reference entity; reference obligation; trade date; effective date; scheduled termination date; floating rate payer; fixed rate payer; fixed rate payer payment dates; fixed rate; floating rate payer calculation agent city.


       2. Without prejudice to our rights, we are prepared to carry out the work, leaving this matter in abeyance for future determination by adjudication or arbitration, if you will agree in writing and confirm that you will not deny our entitlement to payment in such reference if, on the true construction of the contract, the work is held to be not included.


       3. By comparing the High Value Payment System of every country in World, as well as the research on the developing trend of the High Value Payment System of China, we can learn the design concept, management experience and control mode of the western countries, as well as their advanced experience in operation pattern, risk control and policy selection, which are used for reference for The Peoples Bank of China to further optimize HVPS of China.


       4. Article 93 Enterprises with foreign investment which establish branch offices in China shall complete consolidated filings and payment of income tax with reference to the provisions of Article 91 and Article 92 of these Rules.


       5. The original copy of this report will be retained at our company for reference, as regulations stipulate, and a copy will be sent to you this afternoon, along with a slip for claim payment collection.




       7. Upon receipy of your request and payment of our fee, the matter continuation of our reference ASCNICN08E76068 will receive our further attention

       一旦你付钱了,我们会将其备案和跟进其进度,备案号为ASCNICN08E76068 (这里的号码不太清楚,银行的不了解~~)。

       8. After confirmation of purchase, please keep the payment record for reference.


       9. Finally, combining with the actuality of our country electronics payment system, and using for reference the advanced law regulation abroad, I put forward the advice of perfecting our country electronic payment regulation.


       10. With reference to the provisions of the PRC EIT Law on special tax adjustments and international experiences about anti-tax avoidances, the Implementation Regulations expressly make provisions on the following issues: related parties, the adjustments to related party transactions, the principle of arm's length transaction, advanced pricing arrangement, the obligation to furnish information, collection of tax under deeming provisions, controlled foreign corporations, thin capitalization, general provision of anti-avoidance, and the payment of additional interest on overdue taxes.


       11. He specially emphasized that after tax adjustments taking effects, the taxpayer, in addition to the payment of additional tax, is liable to a penalty interest that is computed with reference to the bank's lending rate plus 5% in the period for which additional tax is collected.


       12. I give to said domiciliary Executors the following additional powers, rights and privileges to be exercised in their sole and absolute discretion, with reference to such property: to cause such ancillary administration to be commenced, carried on and completed; to determine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary Executors for the payment of all claims, taxes, costs and administration expenses, including compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys'fees incurred by reason of the ownership of such property and by such ancillary administration; and upon completion of such ancillary administration, I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute, transfer and deliver the residue of such property to the domiciliary Executors herein, to be distributed by them under the terms of this Will, it being my intention that my entire estate shall be administered as a unit and that my domiciliary Executors shall supervise and control, so far as permissible by local law, any ancillary administration proceedings deemed necessary in the settlement of my estate.


       13. I give to said domiciliary Executors the following additional powers, rights and privileges to be exercised in their sole and absolute discretion, with reference to such property: to cause such ancillary administration to be commenced, carried on and completed; to determine what assets, if any, are to be sold by the ancillary Executors; to pay directly or to advance funds from the California estate to the ancillary Executors for the payment of all claims, taxes, costs and administration expenses, including compensation of the ancillary Executors and attorneys` fees incurred by reason of the ownership of such property and by such ancillary administration; and upon completion of such ancillary administration, I authorize and direct the ancillary Executors to distribute, transfer and deliver the residue of such property to the domiciliary Executors herein, to be distributed by them under the terms of this Will, it being my intention that my entire estate shall be administered as a unit and that my domiciliary Executors shall supervise and control, so far as permissible by local law, any ancillary administration proceedings deemed necessary in the settlement of my estate.


       14. People`s Bank of China said that real estate prices rose too fast for the cities or regions of individual housing loans the minimum down payment ratio of 20% by the existing reference to 30%; at the same time the central bank financial institutions in excess reserve deposit rate will be the current 1.62 percent interest rate cut to 0.99 percent, and China`s central bank said that from March 17 this year from the current prime rate of housing loans to return to the same period in loan interest rates, the implementation of the minimum management, the minimum level of interest rates for the corresponding period of the grade of the benchmark lending rate by 0.9 times.

       人民银行说,中国房地产价格上涨过快的城市或地区的个人住房贷款最低首付款比例20 %的现有提到30 %;同时中央银行金融机构超额准备金存款汇率将是目前的1.62亿美元降息至百分之0.99 ,而中国央行表示,从今年3月17日从目前的最优惠利率的住房贷款返回同期贷款利率,执行最低管理,最低利率水平为相应期限档次的基准贷款利率的0.9倍。

       15. The third part studies the experience shared from foreign government payment transfer system, the government payment transfer system of our country carried out late, while some development countries carried out it long time ago, although they are different country systems and situations, there still have something we can use for reference.


       16. Of the National Document Delivery System: the reader may, by the system to libraries across the country to apply for members to borrow books or data copy, data to the Museum Library, please contact the pro-1st Floor, Reference Group and get payment information.

       全国文献传递服务系统:读者可藉由本系统向全国各地会员单位图书馆申请图书借阅或资料复印,资料到馆后请亲洽图书馆1 楼参考组付款并取回资料。

       17. Apply for Matou branch copy journals: Journal of the library to order only Madou Museum has collections (Museum of freshwater non-collection), may apply on behalf of the Madou Museum, just to pay the cost of photocopying, without the cost of postage, data After the museum, please contact the Library first floor reference affinity group and get payment information.


       18. Should you notify us in writing, at any time prior to the expiry of this Guarantee, by notice purporting to be signed for and on your behalf that require payment to be made of the whole or any part of the said sum, we irrevocably and unconditionally undertake to pay the same to you immediately on demand without further reference to The Seller and notwithstanding any dispute or difference which may have arisen under the Contract or any instruction which may be given to us by the Seller not to pay the same.


       19. For your reference, all payment related to project are now on hold.


       20. 11. The fixed reference price shall be based on the years 1986 to 1988 and shall generally be the actual price used for determining payment rates.


















什么叫 reference number



       1、 汇款


       2、 汇款汇错了能追回来吗


       3、 汇款手续费怎么收


       4、 汇款和转账的区别




       reference number

       英文发音:[?refr?ns ?n?mb?(r)]



       Is this the reference number for finding the book on the shelves?







       These reference books are necessary to us.






       There are signs that this number is increasing slightly.








       在俚语中, number还有“喜爱的物品”的意思。
